May 31, 2024 | Posted In Uncategorized
CCRTA Extends Shelter Expansion Program
The following press release was distributed by CCRTA on May 22, 2024
Option-year will provide more than 25 new shelters as summer heat approaches
Watch news coverage of the shelter program here
(Corpus Christi, Texas) – Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority (CCRTA) has exercised a one-year option within its agreement with Tolar Manufacturing Company (Tolar). Through this option year, Tolar will manufacture, deliver, and install 25 new shelters, 133 new benches, 115 Tolar EcoSeats throughout the CCRTA service area. The new set of state-of-the art Tolar shelters, which feature solar-powered lighting, are set to be delivered in late 2024.
The shelters also provide coverage from the extreme temperatures that the South Texas summers bring. Through CCRTA’s Shelter Expansion Program, more than 400 new Tolar shelters will have installed through the service area by the end of 2024. Almost 45% of the 1,375 CCRTA bus stops have shelters, with more than 60% of stops being ADA accessible. Shelter placement considerations include ridership, equitability (Title VI), accessibility, and right-of-way.
“CCRTA’s Board of Directors and Executive Leadership is always working towards enhancing the safety and comfort of our passengers. The continuation of our agreement with Tolar reaffirms our commitment to the well-being of our community,” stated Derrick Majchszak, CCRTA Chief Executive Officer.
The 115 Tolar EcoSeats provide a unique opportunity to offer amenities at locations where limited space may not accommodate a full shelter. This allows more stops to feature amenities which improve rider experience and safety, with seating and dusk-to-dawn solar powered illumination. 230 EcoSeats are currently being installed within the service area, where they have provided illumination and comfort for riders who have shared appreciation for the added sense of safety and security.
“We set out to provide shade and shelter to the riders of Corpus Christi two years ago and are excited to continue on that mission with CCRTA,” said Scott Williams, Business Development Manager for Tolar Manufacturing Company. “Tolar bus shelters are safe, reliable, and stylish solutions for public transportation, and that’s something we’re proud to provide for transit riders and our transit partners.”
Media inquiries, please contact:
Rita Patrick, CCRTA Managing Director of Public Relations, or (361) 500-2905