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November 1, 2016  |   Posted In Blog, News

California State Assemblymember Eric Linder visits Tolar Manufacturing Company

~ Linder recognizes the important role Tolar has served for 25 years ~

On Wednesday, October 19th, 60th District Assemblymember Eric Linder and his Chief of Staff Manny Patrascu toured Tolar Manufacturing Company in Corona, California. July 2016 marked the beginning of the company’s 25th year in business as North America’s leader in the design and fabrication of award-winning transit shelters, street furniture and information displays.

As the Vice Chair of the Committee on Transportation, Assemblymember Linder is well versed on the important role that public transportation plays in the state’s transportation infrastructure. He also serves on the State’s Labor and Employment Committee and recognized Tolar Manufacturing Company as a significant, long-standing California employer with 50+ employees who produce over 35% of the North American domestic transit street furniture market.

“Corona and our region is home to some of the worst traffic in the nation,” said Linder. “Tolar’s work in public transit plays a vital role in decreasing traffic so parents can get home to see their children after work. I love having such an inspirational small business in our community, I look forward to seeing what Tolar will accomplish in another 25 years.”

Company President Gary Tolar and Executive Vice President Patrick Merrick led the Assemblymember and his Chief of Staff on a tour of the company’s 53,000 square foot facility. They discussed how small businesses like Tolar Manufacturing Company are the backbone of the State and face many challenges operating under California’s tough regulatory environment while competing on a national level. Assemblymember Linder specifically noted that he appreciates and recognizes the role that Tolar is serving within the California manufacturing community and as an employer.

“It was a pleasure to meet Assemblyman Linder and Mr. Patrascu,” commented Gary Tolar, founder and president of Tolar Manufacturing. “Between his transportation and labor committee work and his experience as a small business owner himself, it’s nice to know we have someone in Sacramento looking out for us who understands the role of manufacturing in the California economy.”

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