September 28, 2014 | Posted In Bus Stop and Transit Shelters, Displays, News, Solar Solutions
Recently the Tolar Manufacturing team had the opportunity to work with the project team in Temple City (CA) for the redesign of a two mile section of Rosemead Blvd, one of their gateway boulevards.
The project goals included improving traffic safety, reenergizing one of the city’s main commercial corridors and creating a vibrant community destination. Through physical improvements and beautification elements like new sidewalks, added canopy trees and public art; as well as incoming amenities like outdoor dining and bike lanes and new transit shelters. The goal of the project was to transform this portion of Rosemead Blvd from an auto-oriented pass-through into an attractive place for community life.
Tolar Manufacturing was selected to provide design modifications to our existing Signature Sunset Series to allow for custom designed glass, media display kiosk, a below grade installation, custom paint finish, low draw LED illumination powered by solar.
This project illustrates one example of how you can put our team to work for yours, bringing a project from concept to reality.
If you are in the San Gabriel Valley in Southern California, check out the complete Rosemead Blvd. project between Las Tunas and Broadway.