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The Latest From Tolar

August 18, 2020  |   Posted In Uncategorized

The Morongo Basin Transit Authority (MBTA) has renewed its current multi-year contract with Tolar Manufacturing Company

Administered by Morongo Basin Transit Authority (MBTA), this continues Tolar’s decade long relationship with MBTA and the California Association of Coordinated Transportation (CalACT) members. The contract issued on behalf of the CalACT/MBTA Purchasing Cooperative gives member agencies access to a variety of transit shelter and street furniture procurement opportunities at bundled pricing. The renewed contract is set to expire July 28, 2021.

San Luis Obispo Transit Shelter from CALACT/MBTA Purchasing Cooperative

“We understand that it can be challenging to be a smaller transit agency with limited staff and budget and are pleased that many member agencies see the value in purchasing bus shelters through this contract.”

The MBTA developed this procurement method to save CalACT members the time and expense of creating their own RFP or IFB documents while leveraging the association’s buying power. The Procurement schedule offers Tolar’s Sierra bus shelters in multiple sizes and provides agencies with the flexibility to order customized design elements such as varying roof options and agency branding to fit the character of the surrounding community. Other customization opportunities include benches, trash bins, map cases, dusk-to-dawn solar lighting and revenue-generating advertising kiosks.

MBTA/CalACT agencies are now able to include solar-powered, two-line, real-time, LED signage within their Tolar-built shelters. This passenger tool includes programming setup, system maintenance, dashboard webinar training and up-to-date software and firmware updates as they become available.

“We continue to enjoy our long-standing relationship with CALACT and value its members,” said Patrick Merrick, executive vice president for Tolar Manufacturing Company. “We understand that it can be challenging to be a smaller transit agency with limited staff and budget and are pleased that many member agencies see the value in purchasing bus shelters through this contract.”

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