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The Latest From Tolar

November 16, 2021  |   Posted In Bus Stop and Transit Shelters, News, Solar Solutions, Street Furniture

Tolar Manufacturing Company Awarded Five-Year contract with HART in Hillsborough County, Florida

Tolar finishes successful week at APTA TRANSform Expo, discussing the community’s transit shelter needs

Tolar Manufacturing Company continues its 30-year mission of connecting communities, with a newly awarded five-year contract to design and build transit shelters and street furniture for Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) Authority in the greater Tampa area. The contract includes replacing HART’s aging bus shelters with Tolar Manufacturing Company’s sleek, modern, and popular Signature Crescent series shelters. Just a short two hours away from Hillsborough County, Tolar Manufacturing Company participated in APTA’s TRANSform Expo last week, to showcase its Crescent shelters along with other award-winning shelters and outdoor street furniture.

Tolar Manufacturing Company’s well-known Signature Crescent series shelters are popular due to the many customizable options offered. For HART, the shelters will be fabricated to capture the agency’s branding, with a modern aesthetic creating a true Sense of PlaceTM. Also, with the community in mind, these durable shelters will be equipped for the Tampa area humid climate, with breeze-friendly back paneling, sturdy Mesa benches and lean rails, trash receptacles with rain diverters, and high-tech passenger amenities such as, UL-listed LED solar illumination.

“As Tolar celebrates its 30th year, it’s exciting to continue our long relationship with HART, and to provide them with easy to maintain shelters that improve passenger comfort with an updated modern look, that matches the Tampa landscape. I’m pleased to be once again partnering with HART as we help continue improving the passenger experience over the next five years,” says Tolar Manufacturing Business Development Manager, Scott Williams, “For those who were in Florida for APTA’s TRANSform Expo, it was wonderful to reconnect with familiar faces in the industry, as well as meet new ones.”

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