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January 13, 2022  |   Posted In Bus Stop and Transit Shelters, News

Tolar Manufacturing Company awarded multi-year contract with Morongo Basin Transit Authority (MBTA) for the benefit of CalACT members

Provides opportunity for members of the California Association for Coordinated Transportation (CALACT) Purchasing Cooperative to procure transit shelters and related amenities at bundled pricing.

Tolar Manufacturing Company announces new contract, administered by Morongo Basin Transit Authority (MBTA), continuing their multi-year relationship to supply transit shelters and related amenities to members of the California Association of Coordinated Transportation (CalACT). The contract, issued on behalf of the MBTA/CalACT Purchasing Cooperative provides procurement opportunities for extensive shelter options, including Tolar’s legacy Sierra series, among other amenities including benches, information displays, solar solutions, and more.

The MBTA developed this procurement method to save CalACT member agencies time and expense while giving access to additional amenities and shelter bundle options often cost-prohibitive to smaller agencies. Each shelter bundle may include UL-listed solar illumination, bench, and trash receptacles, with options to add on passenger information and media display kiosks for revenue-generating advertising. Additional passenger amenity options include provisions for e-paper real-time digital displays, pole and shelter-mounted solar lighting systems and wireless control and monitoring for lighting, and other digital amenities and street furniture.

Joe Meer, MBTA’s Director of Purchasing stated, “The shelters contract with Tolar Manufacturing and its partners is potentially available for up to six years and leverages enormous buying power and savings in a convenient, easy to execute format for participating agencies in the consortium.”

“The Tolar Team is honored to continue our decades-long relationship and appreciate the confidence MBTA and CalACT have placed in Tolar Manufacturing with this contract award,” commented Tolar Manufacturing Company’s Executive Vice-President, Patrick Merrick. “CalACT member agencies offer critical community transportation services in small communities throughout California. Beginning your transportation journey at a distinctive well-lit and sheltered bus stop supports those services and creates a true sense of place for the passenger and the community.”

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