October 9, 2017 | Posted In Uncategorized
Tolar Manufacturing seeks DBE suppliers
Tolar Manufacturing is seeking proposals from DBE and SBE firms certified by the Nevada Unified Certification Program (nevadadbe.com) under 49 CFR Part 26 for materials and services needed in the production of bus shelters.
The scope of supplier services may include providing steel and aluminum tubing, sheet metal, aluminum extrusions, polycarbonate sheets, plastics, hardware, powder coating, safety equipment, transportation services, material storage, and other essential components required for shelter installations.
Qualified suppliers must demonstrate a solid background in manufacturing or manufacturing-related supply chains. All facilities must meet the standards of recognized quality management programs such as ANSI/AQS Q9001, ISO 9001, or ISO 14001, or show equivalent compliance. Additionally, all products must comply with Buy America regulations under 49 CFR Part 661 and adhere to strict quality and reliability expectations.
Interested firms are encouraged to reach out to the Tolar Manufacturing purchasing team at 951-808-0081 or purchasing@tolarmfg.com. Alternatively, you may contact Patrick Merrick, Executive Vice-President, at 951-547-9209 or pmerrick@tolarmfg.com by October 13th.